How To Win Every School Morning

Getting kids ready for school in the morning can be one of the most stressful parts of the day, especially when it's rushed. And usually, when we rush our kids, they are not too happy!
That's why it's so important to start the day off right. Win the morning, win the day.
Here are five tips on how to make school mornings easier for both you and your kids.

Get Ready The Night Before
Getting ready for the day the night before saves so much time and stress! Instead of rushing around packing lunch boxes with whatever you can find in the pantry, make the kid's lunch the night before.
The night before planning doesn't have to stop at lunch too! Laying out their clothes, packing their bags, and setting their alarms can all be done the night before to ensure you have a stress-free morning.

Organise Breakfast Beforehand
This one falls under the same bracket as tip number one. Plan the week's breakfast every Sunday!
Have their daily breakfasts written down so it takes the stress out of deciding what to put on their plate or in their bowl each morning. Or even better, have The Kids Shake ready to go in their shakers so all you have to do is add milk each morning!

Start Getting Into a Routine Before School Goes Back
Start school before school does! If you're coming back from a holiday, try and ease your children into the routine a few days before school goes back.
Create a bed, breakfast and activity routine to get them back into a sort of routine so when they head back to school, the first week isn't a struggle for everyone!

Get The Tunes Going
Mornings don't have to be the worst part of the day! Start playing their favourite songs, it will instantly put them in a better mood and get them moving.

Keep A School Basket
Keeping a basket or box in your house entirely dedicated to school-related things is a great way to stay organised and make sure your mornings are easy-going.
Putting supplies like lunch boxes or library books enables you to grab anything you need without even thinking about it!
That's why it's so important to start the day off right. Win the morning, win the day.
Here are five tips on how to make school mornings easier for both you and your kids.

Get Ready The Night Before
Getting ready for the day the night before saves so much time and stress! Instead of rushing around packing lunch boxes with whatever you can find in the pantry, make the kid's lunch the night before.
The night before planning doesn't have to stop at lunch too! Laying out their clothes, packing their bags, and setting their alarms can all be done the night before to ensure you have a stress-free morning.

Organise Breakfast Beforehand
This one falls under the same bracket as tip number one. Plan the week's breakfast every Sunday!
Have their daily breakfasts written down so it takes the stress out of deciding what to put on their plate or in their bowl each morning. Or even better, have The Kids Shake ready to go in their shakers so all you have to do is add milk each morning!

Start Getting Into a Routine Before School Goes Back
Start school before school does! If you're coming back from a holiday, try and ease your children into the routine a few days before school goes back.
Create a bed, breakfast and activity routine to get them back into a sort of routine so when they head back to school, the first week isn't a struggle for everyone!

Get The Tunes Going
Mornings don't have to be the worst part of the day! Start playing their favourite songs, it will instantly put them in a better mood and get them moving.

Keep A School Basket
Keeping a basket or box in your house entirely dedicated to school-related things is a great way to stay organised and make sure your mornings are easy-going.
Putting supplies like lunch boxes or library books enables you to grab anything you need without even thinking about it!